Katelyn is a SNHU graduate with a degree in Creative Writing and English. She has three kids— six if you count the ones with four legs and a tail. Katelyn enjoys stories of all kinds but her passion lies with the fantastical worlds of Fantasy. Her favorite time of day is night. It’s a time to reflect on the day, a time to gather and pray— a time for her and her family to snuggle around the pages of a book and venture into a well-loved story.

About Me:

Looking for something new to read?

A Night Owl’s Call is a grim-dark YA fantasy novel, told from the villain's point of view. It explores the line between good and evil, as Erebus discovers the truth behind the lies of his childhood. But, can the Prince of Darkness find redemption among the destruction he’s inflicted, or is he forever bound to play the part of humanity’s greatest foe?