We have officially started a Booktube channel!

What will be on the channel?

- There will be a variety of content, from book reviews, analysis series, and personal vlogs.

How often will there be a new upload?

-I want to get in a rhythm of once a week, but I’m still learning! Which means there will be a lot of hiccups along the way. So until I figure out the logistics of content making, I won’t have a regular schedule.

How will we know when there’s a new upload?

-I will notify of new content through my monthly newsletters. But, if you want notifications of videos as soon as they are uploaded, you can subscribe to my channel directly on YouTube. Be sure to press the notification bell after you subscribe so that YouTube knows you want alerts.

For any more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Email: kthughesbooks@gmail.com

Allow 24 hours for response.