A Pile of Leaves, A Homemade Pie, and Some Pumpkin Guts


A Pile of Leaves, A Homemade Pie, and Some Pumpkin Guts

Imagine the fresh smell of a brisk, fall day. You can hear the leaves rustling in the trees as they wait for their turn to glide towards the ground. I’d imagine you’ve made yourself some coffee or, if you’re like me, some tea. You’ve put on a nice comfy sweater and are rocking across the wooden floorboards of your front porch. Fall is an interesting season. It’s the beginning of the most chaotic part of the year. With fall, trees become dormant. Then bells ring, calling all kids to their desks with a pen in one hand and a notebook in another. It’s not long before Halloween comes knocking at your door, begging for candy corn and tootsie-pops. Once we’ve been filled with candy, we fill ourselves with more turkey in one day than one should eat in an entire year. 

            Campfires and s’mores, hayrides and ghost stories; fall can be a wonderful time to break out the traditions and enjoy some time with friends and family. Although my mornings do not usually consist of a relaxing hot drink out on my front porch. I wouldn’t trade the hustle and bustle of a quick kiss goodbye to my husband and a constant little hand tugging at my pants. This fall my family and I have been blessed to enjoy some of the standard traditions of fall. We are fortunate enough to have a yard where we can make as many s’mores as we’d like. 

            This evening, as I sit at my desk with a dimmed lamp and a baby-monitor to my left, I smile and think of all of the fun adventures we’ve had this past week. Everleigh experienced her first hayride and the joys that a simple pile of leaves can bring. We’ve colored some pumpkins, which ended with a very upset toddler as she realized that marker does not come off easily. We’ve also carved some pumpkins; the same toddler dove headfirst into pulling out all of the innards with a giant smile. Our house has been filled with the warm, comforting smells of beef stew and oatmeal pie. The days may not be perfect, but when I reflect on all of these new memories, I can’t help feeling that they are perfect for me. All one truly needs this fall is a pile of leaves, a homemade pie, and some pumpkin guts. 




The Little Drummer Boy