
Pathways never end. Whether it’s frequently traveled, or a strip of land that is to be forged by your hand, there will always be somewhere to go. The term ‘crossroads,’ is familiar to most. It’s a metaphor that many use to describe a decision, or change. Sometimes we are faced with a crossroad many times in our lives. Sometimes they go unnoticed, and sometimes they are paths that lead to very different destinations.

I’ve included a clip from Avatar: The Last Airbender to use as an example of the emotion, and turmoil that reaching a crossroads can put someone through. Now, before I lose some of you to, “that’s a cartoon for children,” I encourage those that are reading through this to give it a watch. It’s a clip that often runs through my mind, as I frequently like to find inspiration and ideas from works of fiction to provoke critical thinking. If you can look past the entertainment aspects of fiction, you would be amazed at what themes and new outlooks you can find. It requires a little bit of digging, some self-evaluation, and reading between the lines. But, the effort is well worth it.

Now that we’ve established an open mind, let’s begin.

Zuko has been banished from his homeland for interfering with a war-meeting. He publicly humiliated his father, the reigning leader of the Fire Nation. This has sent him into a spiral of trying to earn that honor back by hunting down the Avatar—the only one strong enough to stop the Fire Nation’s invasion on the other kingdoms. Only then could he return home, those were the conditions laid out by his father. His vision of what his life was supposed to be, his destiny, gave him tunnel vision on what his life could be—on who he could become.

The beginning of the clip shows Iroh, Zuko’s uncle, confronting him about his inability to think for himself. Zuko continually makes his decisions based on a life that he feels will give him  the most fulfillment, and that fulfillment comes from the acceptance of others at the cost of being who Zuko was meant to be—himself.

I’m not sure about you, but I often find myself in that predicament. To have such a desire to get noticed, to be successful and accepted by others, to be the absolute best for those you care about, that you make your decisions based off of what others think. Let me be the first to tell you, a mindset like that will cause you to hit a wall. You will become so blinded by the world’s vision of your destiny, that you will forget the destiny that God has given to you, and the crossroads you face will be that of your faith.

“I know my own destiny,” Zuko said.

“Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?” Iroh replied.

Sometimes I wonder if God feels that way about us.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

Yet we often reply much like Zuko did.

“I have to do this.”

Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

Perhaps we feel forced into those decisions.

“I have to do this to gain financial freedom.”

“I have to do this to earn my peers respect.”

“I have to do this to be someone of importance.”

“I have to do this to provide for family.”

“I have to do this to feel better about myself.”

The reality is, yes, there are things we have to do that we’d rather not do. However, true freedom comes from trusting God to direct your path to accomplish some of those plans, and to meet your needs. It’s being faith-minded rather than self-minded. It’s focusing on His voice above the voice of others. We can make plans. We can travel down those pathways. But, when you are faced with your crossroads. Which will you choose?

Will you choose to follow your own plans, or the plans that God has laid before you? Think of it this way; would you cross a raging river through the heart of the rapids to get to your destination faster, or would you remain on the marked path, the one that leads to a bridge, the one that keeps you safe?

“To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” - Proverbs 16:1-3

Have faith that God will be by your side. Understand that he has placed the desires of your heart within you.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” - Psalm 37:4

He will never let you down. That doesn’t mean it will be easy, sometimes the easiest route is not the best route. It’s often the longer route, the one that has more hills to climb, rivers to cross. But, with faith, He will remain at your side. He will give the bridges, He will be your anchor in the storm. In the journey you will see the beauty in life that a trip down the highway would have never allowed you to see.

You will find your destiny, at the foot of the cross.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in you own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh hand refreshment to your bones.” - Proverbs 3: 5-8

Have faith that God will take care you, and that you are right where you need to be.


Immovable, Unshakeable, Immeasurable Faith


Mother, May I?