
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

The wrinkles that stretched across his face were like a road map to a life only he could find. His eyes told stories of hard days in the sun, joyous laughter, and tears from a broken heart. His legs didn’t work like they used to and what little hair was left was now an ash stricken white.  

         Still, when he looked in the mirror, he could see the little boy that loved to go fishin’ in the creek. The collection of water that would pour out of his boots, and the straightened finger his mother would wave, as she told him to get cleaned up for supper, still brought a sheepish grin to his face.

         Where did the years go, he’d ask himself over and over. The words would play with his mind like trying to find the right answer for a test.

         Yet, the answer was right in front of him. Life was more than what the world wanted him to believe. While the world would try to sell the idea that there are different values for each individual, the reality was quite the opposite.

         Every heartbeat the same. Everyone made mistakes, experienced heartache, and shed tears. Frustrations were inevitable, and the reality that more of his days were spent looking in the future was harder to swallow than a collection of pills.

         While everyone knew that each day was a gift and on occasion, they’d share their gratitude; more often than not everyone wanted the next opportunity to move forward. As a child, becoming a teenager was the next best thing. Then, college and gathering as many friends as possible was more intriguing. After college, it’d become about finding the best job and making the most money. People would find families; others would strive for climbing the ranks. Friends were found and friends were lost.

         Now, as he grew older, he looked to the past. So, he wondered, when did it stop?  

         The man shifted his seat on the bench. It’d been a while since he picked up his bible. In fact, he noticed a layer of dust that collected along the cover. A twinge of guilt filled his chest. Reading the bible felt like seeing a friend you’d only talk to when you needed something. The years that he’d been given had come and go. No matter how much he wished he could change something, he was glad to have many things he could admire.

         As simple as a new breath could be, it was something he could be thankful for. It was that single idea that kept his mind grounded on the present. He’d never been able to see it as a child, and he understood that not everyone was given that opportunity. The gift of old eyes, with the help of a gracious hand, he was able to see the world with the beauty that God had intended.

         Nothing was wasted, every experience he was given was a chance to grow. He scrunched his nose, even through the times he lied, stole, and cheated. The taste of those memories was like a bitter berry; sweet in its prime, and rotten the longer it lingered in his mouth.

         He had regrets, sure, who didn’t? As he unfolded the guide that collected in his mind, he realized that each of those mistakes created a new opportunity. Dwelling on them would only send him on the downward spiral of regret and youthful envy. God had never abandoned him. When a child refuses to listen, the hand of the parent is lifted. But, no matter the consequence, they were always there with open arms, willing to help them get back on their feet.  

         As he studied the aged pages of his bible. It didn’t matter what he did, God was proud of him. The time he lost his job, was a time to grow. At the time, it felt as though the world of was ending, but it was just beginning. He worked in the surrounding schools as a janitor. Many others treated him as though he was not successful because his job title was less than desired. Except, he remembered the smiles he was able to create on the students that would wander the halls.

         Isn’t that what life is about? Everyone is eager to say that true beauty is in the heart, but no one seems to believe it. He frowned, a pity really. It wasn’t until it was broadcasted on the internet that the world seemed to praise such a quality. If only they knew what they could experience through the eyes of true beauty; they might hang on to the notion a little tighter. The birds sing a little louder, the colors become a little brighter.

         A tear ran down the crumpled wrinkles on his cheeks. His heart grew sad at the idea of the worlds view on life. How can such a beautiful thing contain conditions. If a life does not meet the standards of another can it not be considered a life? Every difference brings a new color to experience and when one begins to dictate what colors are allowed, the world loses a chance to grow; creating a dense fog.

         He flipped through a few pages before coming across a familiar verse:

         “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

         As he ventured back to his quiet little home in the center of town, he turned on the lights and looked through a book of pictures. Everyone is aware of how fast life can go by. The longer the years, the faster time seems to go. Many ignore the words “you’re going to miss this.” It isn’t until you’ve been gifted the chance to see the world, with experienced eyes, that it begins to make sense.

         It can be a bit depressing to realize that life is never appreciated until it nears the end. However, it’s not a time to be filled with regret. The voids of the world cannot satisfy a thirsty soul, it only prolongs it.

         He closed the picture book and looked up to see his grandchildren run through the front door. With a gentle smile he opened his arms. Little giggles and friendly chatter filled the empty house. There were many things that had changed over the years. Many things he wished he could take back. But, given the opportunity, he’d never take that chance.

         This moment that was placed before him, was something he’d never take away for mere chance that he could find a little glory. Without those mistakes and those hard-learned lessons, he’d never have little painted scribbles on his fridge. He’d never have the chance to view the world from his old wrinkled eyes.

         He might move a little slower, his joints might be a little stiffer, but life through the eyes of God was timeless. Not everyone would understand. Sometimes the lies of the world would be easier to swallow and that’s just how it was. But he’d never stop trying to live the life he was given. What did he have to lose?

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? – Matthew 16:26


Under the Willow


The Little Drummer Boy